Kindling Kid's Future
Summer camps provide a brief respite for child and parent. How can you find something that is fun and yet is teaching kids something valuabl
Games, They Are a Changin’
Mastery is the first sign you have stopped learning. Improv builds in failure as a trigger to push your personal boundaries.
Choosing An Improv Class
This week we are happy to bring you a second repost from the CSz Sacramento Blog - "All Things Improv...And More!"
Finding Joy
Susan Scovill is a CsZ Richmond Board member, Minor League Head Coach, CSz player and ref. She gives her insights into how improv enriched h
Unpacking Labels
In her first report from her new home, our CSz field reporter looks at how labeling limits and how she used improv to drop the introvert lab
The Jewel of Denial
In this is a sequel to CJ Bergin’s “Romancing the Funny Bone”, we take a look at how an improv mindset can help in navigating conflict.
Romancing the Funny Bone
Active listening and gift giving, this essential push-and-pull, are at the heart of every good improv scene and any good date.
The Zen of Improv
Not clinging to the past. Not investing too much in the future. Is a focus on the here and now extend beyond improv to life?
Perspective Taking
Rachel Garmon continues the conversation in the crossroads of Improv and Autism. In this blog, we look at the skill of perspective taking.
Yes, and No: It's not so simple...
This week we are happy to bring you a repost from the CSz Sacramento Blog - A special shout out to Chris Crotty for allowing us to share his