Porous Walls
Oral tradition helped keep societies intact long before the printing press was able to capture their stories. Come set stories free then bec

(You Make Me Feel Like) An Improvised Woman
We identify with gender all the time in our ordinary world. But in improv, where our world is a fantasy, things should be different. Shouldn

A Tale of Sweet T
Grab your sweet tea and your favorite rocking chair as we tell you the tale of the ComedySportz® Sweet T Tourney.

Punalty Kicks
Crucial moments in sports matches require a special sort of focus. Elite athletes can be trained to get into this flow state. Improv could h

A Year of Blogging Elfishly
We have been blogging elfishly for a year, producing a new post each week. We look back on what became a creative practice.

The Diffi-Cult
Workplace conflict is inevitable but manageable. An improv mindset can help you change how you will react to it.

Accent, You Ate the Scene
Improvisers use accents use to embellish their characters and enrich the scene. It doesn't come easily though.

What’s Not Wrong
Improv exercises can be the most helpful and profoundly mind-shifting in times of frustration allowing one's perspective to shift from n

Don't Fire
We are always trying to find that one things that makes us uniquely human. The magic of human cooperation is like no other animal. But why?

On Fire
Storytelling is as ancient an art as there is. Maybe it is the very thing that makes us unique while binding us together.